Missionary Ministry Application

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Please select one option.
Briefly explain how you and your family members came to trust Jesus Christ as Savior:   
Have you and your wife been baptized by immersion since trusting Christ?

List schools in which you have attended: (College and above)
School, Location, Dates Attended, Major, Degree

List your last two church associations:
Give history of Christian Ministry: (include type, size, duration of ministry, and also indicate those that were full-time paid positions)
Do you share your faith regularly?
To the best of your knowledge, has anyone trusted Christ through your efforts?
Briefly describe your own personal devotions and your family devotions:
Are you ordained? If so, when and by whom?
What is your present occupation?

What is your mission agency?
What made you decide on this mission agency?
Have you ever applied to/or worked for another agency? (if so, which one?)
Where do you plan to be a Missionary?
Is your commitment to missions short or long-term?
What will your ministry involve? (list your primary task and some other secondary responsibilities)
Do you believe you are called to missions, and if so, on what do you base your calling?
Do your wife and children believe they are called to be missionaries?
What is the total amount of monthly support required?
What is the total amount of one-time support required?
Current Monthly support committed?
The current amount committed for one time expenses?
What percentage of your support goes to the Mission agency?
Do you have any financial indebtedness? If so, to what extent and how do you plan to meet this obligation?
Date you expect to be on the field?
What are your goals for your first year as a missionary?
What is your for your ministry in the next five years?
Explain in detail your method of evangelism for reaching the masses in your community.

What do you see as your responsibilities to our church should we decide to support you?
What do you expect from a supporting church?
Would you be willing to spend time with us while on furlough, if we decide to support you?
DOCTRINAL: (Please send us your doctrinal statement)

What is your position concerning contemporary Christian music?
Explain in one paragraph your position on the teaching of Calvinism.
Explain in one paragraph, your position of the REceived TExt vs Westcott and Hort Bible Text.
What is your position of the King James Bible?


Please fill out this form and click submit.